Catechism Class Page
Here are our class dates w/topics:
Catechetical Audio Lecture Study Questions Linked HERE
- 1/4 - Recap Class
- 1/18 - Kickoff Class
- 2/1 - Audio Lecture 1: The Mystery of Baptism + Journey to Fullness Episode 2 +Catechism book page up to pg. 38
- 2/15 - Audio Lecture 2: The Mystery of Holy Chrismation + Journey to Fullness Episode 3 + Catechism book page up to pg. 66
- 3/1 - Audio Lecture 3: The Mystery of the Holy Eucharist + Journey to Fullness Episode 4 + Catechism book page up to pg. 76
- 3/15 - Audio Lecture 4: The Mystery of Holy Confession + Journey to Fullness Episode 5 + Catechism book page up to pg. 104
- 4/5 - Audio Lecture 5: The Mystery of the Holy Priesthood + Journey to Fullness Episode 6 + Catechism book page up to pg. 122
- 4/19 No Class on Holy Saturday
- 4/26 - Audio Lecture 6: The Mystery of Holy Matrimony + Journey to Fullness Episode 7 + Catechism book page up to pg. 142
- 5/3 - Audio Lecture 7: The Mystery of Holy Unction + Journey to Fullness Episode 8 + Catechism book page up to pg. 170
- 5/17 - Audio Lecture 8: The Mystery of Death & the Funeral + Journey to Fullness Episode 9 + Catechism book page up to pg. 192
- 6/1 - Topical Discussion + Catechism book page up to pg. 200
- 6/15 - Topical Discussion + Catechism book page up to pg. 220
- Summer Reading - Finish Catechism Book pg. 256